My work focuses not only on individual, but also on collective change. There is priority for people who are focussing on social change. Those are


  • people who’s work (paid or voluntary) is committed to raising awareness around social justice, human rights, climate and ecological disruption or the energy transition
  • people working in regular or complementary mental health care, facilitators, space holders, trainers
  • people who want support with emotion and stress regulation and/or with issues around the sense of meaning and purpose related to climate disruption and/or activism


I do not work with people who are an acute danger to themselves or those around them. People in a crisis can always go to their GP or to the mental health crisis service (crisisdienst). I do not make DSM diagnoses. You can go to your GP if you want a diagnostic test.

Unfortunately, at this time there is no space for new people, nor is it possible to sign up for the waiting list.


If you have a question around personal growth, you can contact my colleagues Lea Groeliker (Body oriented Psychotherapy & NARM Practitioner) and Gunnar Meier (Body oriented Psychotherapy).


If you have a question related to (shock) trauma or if you would like to look for another body-oriented therapist, you can have a look here.


If you are interested in sessions, please use the contactform below. / +31 6 34 89 15 11

Hoendiepstraat 22-1, Rivierenbuurt, Amsterdam


Practice at home & online sessions

Tuesdays till Fridays


An intake session is possible if I guess, based on your answers to the questions below, that you are in the right place with me and when there is space. If we do an intake and we agree that several sessions together might be fruitful, there is no waiting time between the first and second session.


I maintain a short waiting list. Unfortunately, sometimes I don’t have space and it is not possible to sign up for the waiting list.