
info & inspiratie
Collectief trauma

“Trauma decontextualized in a person looks like personality. Trauma decontextualized in a family looks like family traits. Trauma in a people looks like culture.” ~Resmaa Menakem



Foto: Michael Heuss


“Our house is on fire.” ~ Greta Thunberg



Foto: Donald Giannatti


“Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well.

It is the certainty that something is worth doing regardless of how it turns out.”

~ Vaclav Havel



Foto: Clay Banks

Instinct, kracht en woede

“A terrible thing is lost in the suppression of anger – your relationship with one of your greatest allies: Instinct.”


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Ieder mens heeft twee basisbehoeften: de behoefte aan contact, verbinding en liefde. En de behoefte aan authenticiteit, aan expressie van wie je bent. Wat gebeurt er als deze basisbehoeftes niet (helemaal) worden ontmoet? Dan ga je emoties onderdrukken en verlies je contact met jezelf en jouw levendigheid. Gabor Maté legt het helder uit.


Spritual bypassing
“If you are using meditation and/or some other form of compassion-based practice to try and calm yourself down without first properly processing, metabolizing and integrating the agitation, anxiety, fear and anger, then it’s only adding more toxicity to your world.

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